Episode 96: The art of continence.
Truth Island . Truth Island .

Episode 96: The art of continence.

Alexander and I discuss, how selective bouts of abstinence can improve mental acuity and help men achieve short-term goals.


◉ Navigating a long history...

◉ Why no scientific interest?

◉ Is it possible to achieve anything great when you're too busy chasing tail all day?

◉ It's not a lack of brain cells but rather a lack of fire.

◉ Energy always finds a way to be channeled into something.

◉ Abstinence...UFC style

◉ We unfortunately have limited space on our mental hard drives.

◉ The dangers of being too visual a society.

◉ Please...no more things to distract us guys.

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Episode 95: The virtue of patience.
Truth Island . Truth Island .

Episode 95: The virtue of patience.

Sam and I patiently discuss how to be both productive and patient at the same exact time.


◉ 2020...The year of the philosopher.

◉ Everything we needed was right in front of us all along.

◉ How hard times can teach us to be grateful.

◉ Serenity in what can't be changed, action for the things that can be.

◉ There is a reason why we can't see at night.

◉ The importance of journaling.

◉ Even when faced with a brick wall...there are always moves to be played.

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Episode 94: Should we strive for excellence?
Truth Island . Truth Island .

Episode 94: Should we strive for excellence?

Kenny and I attempt to make one excellent podcast, figuring out if we should be aiming for excellence in everything we do.


◉ Figuring out the line between excellence and perfection.

◉ Ultra detail people tend not to get very far in this world.

◉ The perfect sentence?

◉ Books that teach us how to read books...what has this world come to?

◉Joy and excellence tend to go hand-in-hand.

◉ School teaches us how to be sloppy in how we learn.

◉ Good things take a long time.

◉ Death to multitasking!

◉ New Star Wars is a prime example of not striving for excellence.

◉ Let us not abandon figures who were less than perfect, cause we all are.

◉ Excellence doesn't happen right away, but having an excellent mindset can get you there.

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Episode 93: The power of humor
Truth Island . Truth Island .

Episode 93: The power of humor

Claire and I try to figure out when exactly something is a laughing matter.


◉ Humor has the power to bring to life the mundane but also to desensitize us.

◉ Humor is great cure for the unchangeable...but not the changeable.

◉ Comedy is constantly being reinvented.

◉ Do jokes have an expiration date?

◉ Your sense of humor may not be transferrable once you board a plane.

◉ Humor as a means of not taking yourself too seriously.

◉ The responsibility of gauging the room when telling a joke.

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Episode 92: Where has true common sense gone?
Truth Island . Truth Island .

Episode 92: Where has true common sense gone?

Alexander and I parse out the good forms of common sense from the bad, while trying to figure out how we as a species can grow wiser.


◉ Vegetables are good...candy is bad...why can't we just figure it out?

◉ Too heavy? Eat less.

◉ The college debt debacle...bad common sense at its finest.

◉ The market place of 'common sense'.

◉ Common sense sometimes changes with the times.

◉ The corrosion of common sense in parenting.

◉ Common sense has a lot to do with moderation.

◉ Too much information can impede the ability to even think.

◉ Avoid 'googling it' and see what happens.

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Episode 91: Is it possible to change people?
Truth Island . Truth Island .

Episode 91: Is it possible to change people?

I am joined by Tricia, who comes on the show to discuss whether or not we can change the people in our lives.


◉ Trying to change people is typically not true altruism.

◉ The dangers of imposing one's value system onto another.

◉ "Help is not helpful, unless it is helpful."

◉ Friendly suggestions without punishment.

◉ The difference between changing a person and fixing inequities in a relationship.

◉ Accepting people in their original incarnation.

◉ You need to be super vigilante for red flags when meeting new people.

◉ Accepting people for who they are.

◉ The Hard Reset Button.

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Episode 89: Are labels always a good thing?
Truth Island . Truth Island .

Episode 89: Are labels always a good thing?

Evan and I discuss if some of our more complex ideas and ideologies should have labels.


◉ Centrism is a type of category and not independent thought.

◉ Labels come with a lot of packaging.

◉ The same label may not mean the same thing to different people.

◉ Being precise in your label.

◉ The curious case of Albert Einstein.

◉ Labels and reaction time.

◉ Learning from history and predicting the future.

◉ Not all philosophers are apathetic tea drinkers.

◉ Taking action in concert with other people.

◉ The sexiness of labels.

◉ The importance of the game plan behind the label.

◉ The meaning of labels overtime.

◉Tribalism and self-identity.

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Episode 88: Is quitting always such a bad thing?
Truth Island . Truth Island .

Episode 88: Is quitting always such a bad thing?

Patrick comes on again to share his experience with leaving teaching, trying new things, and if the concept of being a 'drifter' is really such a negative label.


◉ Why it's wise to try as many things as possible.

◉ Drifter versus explorer.

◉ Sometimes necessity push us in certain directions.

◉ Monotony is the first sign of trouble.

◉ Playing the long game.

◉ Extensive travelling...the ultimate cure to our freedom cravings.

◉ Is the Grasshopper always right?

◉ You need to be constantly vigilante and looking for new opportunities otherwise this life will eat you alive.

◉ Rich or poor...did you enjoy the journey?

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Episode 87: How to engage with people online?
Truth Island . Truth Island .

Episode 87: How to engage with people online?

I am joined once again by Jonathan, who shares his experiences approaching strangers online.


◉ The brevity in our dialogues leave room for misinterpretation and mistaken intent.

◉ Are avatars a way to mask cruelty?

◉ Engaging in spaces where disagreement can occur, fosters growth.

◉ The best forums lean neutral.

◉ Meaningful conversation seldom occurs in the public square of the comments section.

◉ If possible, email is always the best way to approach strangers.

◉ New people will always be on their guard, so always do your research.

◉ Email etiquette 101

◉ Much like meeting people in person, always bring something to the table.

◉ Conversational Activism.

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