Episode 86: Can we change people's nature?
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Episode 86: Can we change people's nature?

Kenny and I attempt to find closure into the quagmire that is social conditioning and address whether or not human nature itself can be changed.


◉ Human nature cannot be changed by rewards and punishments alone.

◉ The fundamentally good versus the fundamentally bad.

◉ No evil or good societies, simply certain forces that triumph over others.

◉ Culture remains the chief 'primer' in pushing a society towards good or bad.

◉ Passion corrupts a man's logic and prepares him to do unjust things.

◉ Figuring out a way to warn people without preaching.

◉ The ultimate preacher, sells you a desirable lifestyle rather than ideas.

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Episode 85: Rome: The Decline of Democracy (Part VI)
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Episode 85: Rome: The Decline of Democracy (Part VI)

This episode is the fourth part of a larger series in which I am joined by Roman Empire expert Brett Davidoff, as we discuss some of the parallels of ancient Rome to the United States and other historical instances of democratic decay. In this episode we discuss the tyrannical rule of the Emperor Caligula.

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Episode 84: Rome: The Decline of Democracy (Part V)
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Episode 84: Rome: The Decline of Democracy (Part V)

This episode is the fourth part of a larger series in which I am joined by Roman Empire expert Brett Davidoff, as we discuss some of the parallels of ancient Rome to the United States and other historical instances of democratic decay. In this episode we discuss the rule of Augustus Caesar.

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Episode 83: Is it ever a good idea to form alliances with people you dislike?
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Episode 83: Is it ever a good idea to form alliances with people you dislike?

Claire and I discuss the tricky spot that is the workplace, when it comes to working with people we don't quite like.


◉ The workplace is all about people...always has been.

◉ Welcome to the night shift...shared goals and shared enemies.

◉ The importance of dark humor.

◉ My aversion to people that are phony...

◉ The importance of personalities.

◉ Sometimes other people can point out the flaws in you.

◉ Speak up immediately, so your disdain doesn't fester for too long.

◉ Figure out sooner rather than later if you can survive in a workplace.

◉ Form alliances but don't sacrifice personal identity.

◉ Always have an 'outside tribe' so you never lose track of yourself.

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Episode 82: The chains holding us back.
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Episode 82: The chains holding us back.

Alexander and I discuss the various chains that might be holding us back from achieving our potential and when in life it might be necessary to tether ourselves to a pole.


◉ Damnation need not punishment in the afterlife.

◉ Don't hold onto anything too tightly, otherwise your hand will get burned.

◉ We were not meant to do the same thing for the entirety of our lives.

◉ Death is the greatest motivator.

◉ On your bike ride, you'll always be looking for the next hill but don't forget to enjoy the ride itself.

◉ Stop blaming external forces.

◉ Create an 80 year map of your life, not a five year plan.

◉ Developing your own unique sense of service.

◉ Don't ignore the call.

◉ Stoicism that meets the demands of the occasion.

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Episode 81: What is the correct degree of punishment?
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Episode 81: What is the correct degree of punishment?

Luke and I continue our discussion about morals, discussing what exactly constitutes a proper punishment and what the end goals of punishment should be.



◉ Retributive versus rehabilitative justice.

◉ Murder the ultimate test of justice.

◉ The line test.

◉ Two sentences; one that is retributive, the other that is rehabilitative?

◉ No cruel and unusual punishment.

◉ Preventing ex felons from getting a job on the outside creates an unnecessary negative feedback loop.

◉ Should prisoners be given some type of moral system before leaving prison?

◉ Is prisoners reading Kant the answer?

◉ Life imprisonment and the death penalty.

◉ Are there individuals that cannot be rehabilitated?

◉ Is technology a solution in rehabilitating people or simply masking the darker sides of human nature?

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Episode 80: How to move forward without holding contempt.
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Episode 80: How to move forward without holding contempt.

After a life of some pretty rough and ugly encounters, Sam and I try to make sense of the past, analyzing the people and institutions that have wronged us, but at the same formulate rules for not living with a chip on one's shoulder.


◉ Removing yourself from tyrannical organizations.

◉ Trusting your initial intuition before long-term resentment can build.

◉ It's not that Millennials are lazy, we simply strive for purpose in what we do.

◉ Unpacking: "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves."

◉ Always keep a running tally but be open to new situations and people.

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Episode 79: How to juggle disagreeable people?
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Episode 79: How to juggle disagreeable people?

In the aftermath of the election and in the days leading up to Thanksgiving, Dallas and I discuss strategies for dealing with people that are highly disagreeable or sensitive in their points of view.


◉ Separator or mediator?

◉ Are we inherently tribal?

◉ The dangers and perks of cliques.

◉ Unnecessary exclusion versus forming genuine friendship based on common interests.

◉ Being careful when cliquish preferences are denying people opportunities.

◉ Focusing on commonality more so than differences.

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Episode 78: Is television harming us?
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Episode 78: Is television harming us?

I am joined by Christopher who shares his story about giving up television back in 2014.


◉ Starting to sound like the people on TV....

◉ Intellectuals tend not to be shown in a good light.

◉ Should one go cold turkey or gradually phase it out?

◉ Why early TV shows were better written than today.

◉ Oh...the things you could if you gave up TV...

◉ Utilizing media that has a specific application.

◉ The effects of a society with a low verbal IQ

◉ TV...the beginning of the end of original thought?

◉ The stunting of emotional growth.

◉ If you got to watch, watch with purpose.

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Episode 77: How can one resist social conditioning?
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Episode 77: How can one resist social conditioning?

Kenny and I discuss why only an 'elect' few of us can resist social conditioning but the vast preponderance of us cannot.


◉ You don't have to be 'special' to break free.

◉ America's prosperity has made us weak.

◉ We like the appearance of education but not actually learning.

◉ A lot of noble causes are simply motivated by the desire to earn money.

◉ When we make things easy and fun, we compromise their inherit utility and value.

◉ Tragedy begets true awakening.

◉ The true anecdote to depression.

◉ We need to overcome the sedation model.

◉ An alliance between philosophers and scientists?

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