Episode 80: How to move forward without holding contempt.

After a life of some pretty rough and ugly encounters, Sam and I try to make sense of the past, analyzing the people and institutions that have wronged us, but at the same formulate rules for not living with a chip on one's shoulder.




◉ Removing yourself from tyrannical organizations.

◉ Trusting your initial intuition before long-term resentment can build.

◉ It's not that Millennials are lazy, we simply strive for purpose in what we do.

◉ Unpacking: "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves."

◉ Always keep a running tally but be open to new situations and people.


Episode 81: What is the correct degree of punishment?


Episode 79: How to juggle disagreeable people?