Episode 83: Is it ever a good idea to form alliances with people you dislike?

Claire and I discuss the tricky spot that is the workplace, when it comes to working with people we don't quite like.




◉ The workplace is all about people...always has been.

◉ Welcome to the night shift...shared goals and shared enemies.

◉ The importance of dark humor.

◉ My aversion to people that are phony...

◉ The importance of personalities.

◉ Sometimes other people can point out the flaws in you.

◉ Speak up immediately, so your disdain doesn't fester for too long.

◉ Figure out sooner rather than later if you can survive in a workplace.

◉ Form alliances but don't sacrifice personal identity.

◉ Always have an 'outside tribe' so you never lose track of yourself.


Episode 84: Rome: The Decline of Democracy (Part V)


Episode 82: The chains holding us back.