Episode 106: Why have lies become so pervasive?
Truth Island . Truth Island .

Episode 106: Why have lies become so pervasive?

Alexander and I discuss why lies have become so dominant in our modern culture and what we as regular citizens can do to combat this.


◉ Lies help in the short term but never in the long game.

◉ Our brains are wired to believe lies.

◉ We should all become like lawyers in how we think.

◉ The lost art of fact checking

◉ The best way to terminate a lie is to refute it!

◉ Banning speech is never the answer.

◉ The power of creating a truth ledger on the internet.

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Episode 104: Why are we so polarized?
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Episode 104: Why are we so polarized?

In light of recent events and the storming of the nation's capitol, I am joined by Kenny who asks me some important questions as to why we as a country are so divided.

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Episode 103: The importance of role models.
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Episode 103: The importance of role models.

I am joined by Jim who discusses the importance of archetypes throughout the ages and the importance of good role models.


◉ The Greeks Gods, walking embodiments of the best and worst in us.

◉ Archetypes are still living within our culture.

◉ The importance of superheroes.

◉ Does what we idolize influence our behavior or is it the reverse?

◉ Video games and the rise of the negative archetype simulation.

◉ Negative archetypes have the power to promote a more apathetic society.

◉ The need for media that lionizes what we truly cherish in this world.

◉ The need to enmesh the old cannon within new media.

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Episode 102: The importance of legacy.
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Episode 102: The importance of legacy.

Alexander and I try and create a podcast for the ages on the importance of being remembered for all the right reasons.


◉ There has never been so many opportunities for the common person to leave behind a footprint.

◉ People tend to remember accomplishment not pleasure.

◉ Legacy tends to favor those who uplifted the human condition.

◉ The pros and cons of family dynasties.

◉ The problems with 'wealth' legacies.

◉ History smiles favorably upon those pushing the needle forward.

◉ A terrible means will NOT be forgiven by a glorious outcome.

◉ Changing the focus on who we worship in the here and now.

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Episode 101: The role of respect.
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Episode 101: The role of respect.

Kenny and I, respectfully discuss the importance of having respect for not only oneself but for others as well.


◉ Basic fundamental human respect.

◉ No one life is more valuable than another...period.

◉ Be careful with how you treat people as things always change.

◉ Respect in the workplace is a bit different.

◉ We can't help but respect those who work hard from those who don't.

◉ How respect is achieved does matter.

◉ What happens if a title or rank is achieved through unfair means?

◉ At times we must bend the knee to the one writing the checks.

◉ Having enough respect for yourself to walk away.

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Episode 100: The dangers of excess pride.
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Episode 100: The dangers of excess pride.

Kenny and I discuss the dangers of developing too much pride and differentiating between basic self-respect and hubris.


◉ Hubris...the dangers of believing one is above the collective.

◉ Solipsism...quite possibly the most dangerous philosophy ever invented.

◉ Pride prevents us from embracing new ideas and improving.

◉ Focusing on yourself does not mean you are prideful, but rather you are acting from a place of humility.

◉ When to start helping someone else.

◉ If the cameras are rolling, you are being prideful my friend.

◉ The overlap between respect and pride.

◉ Speaking your truth but not going extra.

◉ True pride tempers arrogance.

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Episode 99: Rome: The Decline of Democracy (Part VIII)
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Episode 99: Rome: The Decline of Democracy (Part VIII)

This episode is the seventh part of a larger series in which I am joined by Roman Empire expert Brett Davidoff, as we discuss some of the parallels of ancient Rome to the United States and other historical instances of democratic decay. In this episode we discuss the prosperous rule of the emperor Vespasian.

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Episode 98: Rome: The Decline of Democracy (Part VII)
Truth Island . Truth Island .

Episode 98: Rome: The Decline of Democracy (Part VII)

This episode is the seventh part of a larger series in which I am joined by Roman Empire expert Brett Davidoff, as we discuss some of the parallels of ancient Rome to the United States and other historical instances of democratic decay. In this episode we discuss the sick rule of the emperor Nero.

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Episode 97: Is parenthood right for everyone?
Truth Island . Truth Island .

Episode 97: Is parenthood right for everyone?

Patrick and I discuss some of the difficult questions that one must ask themselves before deciding to become a parent.


◉ Biological imperative to multiply?

◉ A child will not change your core personality predispositions.

◉ Take your 20s as an opportunity to know thy self.

◉ More personality tests to help people discover if parenthood is right for them.

◉ America's corrosion of the middleclass makes it difficult to raise children straight out of high school.

◉ People need to know their options before they can make an informed decision.

◉ The dark...dark...dark...secrets of every educator.

◉ Our 'shyness' regarding conversations about sex.

◉ If we are truly serious about ending poverty...we need to invest more in serious sex ed talks.

◉ Removing the stigma from older women who don't wish to have kids.

◉ Mastering loneliness might also be the key to our salvation.

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