Episode 126: Rome the Decline of Democracy (Part XIV)
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Episode 126: Rome the Decline of Democracy (Part XIV)

This episode is the thirteenth part of a larger series in which I am joined by Roman Empire expert Brett Davidoff, as we discuss some of the parallels of ancient Rome to the United States and other historical instances of democratic decay. In this episode we take a break from our Roman chronology and discuss the life of a Roman citizen.

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Episode 125: Rome the Decline of Democracy (Part XIII)
Truth Island . Truth Island .

Episode 125: Rome the Decline of Democracy (Part XIII)

This episode is the thirteenth part of a larger series in which I am joined by Roman Empire expert Brett Davidoff, as we discuss some of the parallels of ancient Rome to the United States and other historical instances of democratic decay. In this episode we take a break from our Roman chronology and discuss the life of a Roman slave.

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Episode 124: Rome the Decline of Democracy (Part XII)
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Episode 124: Rome the Decline of Democracy (Part XII)

This episode is the twelfth part of a larger series in which I am joined by Roman Empire expert Brett Davidoff, as we discuss some of the parallels of ancient Rome to the United States and other historical instances of democratic decay. In this episode we discuss the dysfunctional rule of the Emperor Commodus.

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Episode 123: Where have all the standards gone?
Truth Island . Truth Island .

Episode 123: Where have all the standards gone?

Kenny and I discuss whether standards are a needed utility and if so, who exactly gets to determine them?


◉ The relative nature of standards.

◉ There is no such things as 'no standards'.

◉ The force needed to enforce standards.

◉ Standards remain highly contingent upon our capacity to uphold them.

◉ Negotiating standards with those in power.

◉ The changing nature of 'force'.

◉ Setting your own set of standards.

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Episode 122: The Recreational Economy
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Episode 122: The Recreational Economy

Alexander and I discuss the future of work and the meaning behind what we do.


◉ Work in relation to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

◉ Poorly and highly developed recreation .

◉ Slackin' it versus becoming the best you can be.

◉ Create art as if your life depended on it.

◉ AI...the next Michelangelo?

◉ Failure is the breeding ground for new art.

◉ Replication can never pass for new.

◉ Accountability within the Recreational Economy.

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Episode 121: Collectivism versus Individualism.
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Episode 121: Collectivism versus Individualism.

Kenny and I discuss the pros and cons of a society that favors individuals over collective action.


◉ We should never be ashamed of our strengths.

◉ The border between arrogance and confidence.

◉ Dismissing those who are pressuring us to conform.

◉ Self-made or socially produced billionaires?

◉ Changing the incentive structure for positive behavior.

◉ Charity must be voluntary and never compulsory.

◉ Collectivism can draw out the very best in us, but it can also pull out the very worst.

◉ Individualism and collectivism as a means of checks and balances.

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Episode 120: The dangers of wanting to be special.
Truth Island . Truth Island .

Episode 120: The dangers of wanting to be special.

Kenny and I discuss why the need to feel special might be one of man's worst desires.


◉ I'll take eight hours of sleep...thank you very much.

◉ Let's face it...we're not all created with the same talents.

◉ Self-help or self-destruction?

◉ 10,000 hours? No thanks.

◉ Don't commit to things that you don't enjoy.

◉ Better to be who you are than pretend to be something else.

◉ Goodness can never be manufactured.

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Episode 119: Meaning in the workplace.
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Episode 119: Meaning in the workplace.

Gabby joins me to share her exciting journey quitting her conventional 9-5 and starting her very own podcast Corporate Quitter.


◉ What exactly is this company trying to achieve?

◉ The power of positive micro-interactions.

◉ 5:00...quitting time?

◉ Where has all the overtime gone?

◉ The 8-8-8 day.

◉ The inverse relationship between 'meaning' and pay.

◉ The squeeze in the middle.

◉ Don't pull up the ladder behind you.

◉ Mentorship or suppressing potential competition?

◉ Take a risk...but don't fail on my watch.

◉ Not benefitting the average Joe.

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Episode 118: Rome the Decline of Democracy (Part XI)
Truth Island . Truth Island .

Episode 118: Rome the Decline of Democracy (Part XI)

This episode is the eleventh part of a larger series in which I am joined by Roman Empire expert Brett Davidoff, as we discuss some of the parallels of ancient Rome to the United States and other historical instances of democratic decay. In this episode we discuss the prosperous rule of the emperor Marcus Aurelius.

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Episode 117: Rome the Decline of Democracy (Part X)
Truth Island . Truth Island .

Episode 117: Rome the Decline of Democracy (Part X)

This episode is the tenth part of a larger series in which I am joined by Roman Empire expert Brett Davidoff, as we discuss some of the parallels of ancient Rome to the United States and other historical instances of democratic decay. In this episode we discuss the prosperous rule of the emperor Trajan.

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