Episode 76: Socialism and Capitalism...What is the correct balance?

Joe and I try and understand the concepts of 'socialism' and 'capitalism' and what these concepts look like in their absolute form and the various shortcomings each of these systems has.




◉ "I won't milk the cows."

◉ Liberty versus equality.

◉ Both systems can lead to extreme tyranny.

◉ Are we entitled to baseline rights, to pursue freedom?

◉ The answer for now is really a mixed economy...but just how mixed?

◉ Government and businesses are an unwritten form of checks and balances.

◉ The two buckets of socialism...needed and unneeded benefits.

◉ What is the maximum that we can give to people without killing incentive?

◉ The rising tide of sufficiency.

◉ How to correctly redistribute....(to be continued)


Episode 77: How can one resist social conditioning?


Episode 75: Why do we value people less, when there are more of them?