Episode 74: How to periodically challenge your beliefs.

I am joined by Pegor who talks about his journey as an atheist and some of the ways that rigorously testing his beliefs and keeping an open mind have helped him test his worldview.




◉ The consequences of not challenging yourself for too long.

◉ If you never leave your cave, how do you know what's on the outside?

◉ The importance of in-person debates and encounters.

◉ Recognizing a hole in your worldview is sometimes the precursor to growth and change.

◉ Don't let your belief system become an immune system against new ideas.

◉ How we approach people and ideas sets the tone for those interactions.

◉ Strawmanning and Steelmanning...impediments to developing understanding.

◉ True dialogue versus indoctrination.


Episode 75: Why do we value people less, when there are more of them?


Episode 73: Why have we lost our attention span?