Episode 72: How to avoid making Faustian bargains.

Sam and I, using the folktale of Faust and the modern implication of the word 'Faustian bargain' discuss some of the ways that we might be making deals with the devil and not even realizing it.




◉ The devil isn't some dude in a suit and moustache...it's within you.

◉ Corrupt deals happen a lot in politics but are a product of how society operates.

◉ Every deal we accept brings us further away from our authentic self.

◉ Rich and powerful people don't always have your back.

◉ Most of our politicians are rich in power but poor in soul.

◉ Inner mastery before outward mastery is key.

◉ What happens when fear enters the equation.

◉ We create our own version of Heaven and Hell right here on Earth.


Episode 73: Why have we lost our attention span?


Episode 71: How to approach people with curiosity.