Episode 66: Quantitative versus Qualitative reasoning...where is the correct balance?

Alexander and I using our qualitative minds try and figure out when exactly we should be relying on our learned human experience and when we may need to consult a t-test to figure out the right answer.




◉ The failures of using data to compare ourselves to others.

◉ Why our value systems often triumph over empirical evidence.

◉ The ways in which statistics can be corrupted (cherry picking variables).

◉ The role of qualitative researchers in posing new research questions and theoretical ideas that can later be tested.

◉ Ending the hate...for qualitative thinkers.

◉ Scientists must forgo hubris and take a small dose of humility when speaking about universal truths.

◉ What the path of research could look like moving forward.


Episode 67: Fear: the greater preventer of doing things


Episode 65: Rome: The Decline of Democracy (Part IV)