Episode 40: What does it mean to be social? (Part I)

This is the first part my series with Gabby where we explore what exactly does it mean to be social and how the lockdown exposed some of the blind spots in the way we interact with people.



Topics Addressed:

◉ How the hustle & bustle of socializing distracted us from the people we were hanging out with.

◉ Are rapid fire conversations socializing?

◉ Giving up on conversations instead of giving up on people.

◉ Should we demand a two way street with the people we are conversing with?

◉ The balance between Relaxation Friends and Business Friends.

◉ Should your friendship circles consist of people who are of diverse interests or homogenous?


Episode 41: What does it mean to be social? (Part II)


Episode 39: What is the right way to promote yourself?