Episode 113: Why radical revolutions never work.
Alexander and I, discuss why during periods of frustration, flipping the table over almost never works.
◉ A Case Study: The French Revolution
◉ Revolutions are typically started by those already in the front of the line.
◉ Second tier elites have a magical ability to rile people up.
◉ We need to be a lot more mindful if our representatives are living true to the ideals they espouse.
◉ Power has a funny way of alienating representatives from the very people they were entrusted to represent.
◉ Consequences is the watchdog ensuring the captain is taking us where we were promised.
◉ Overturning Citizens United is a good place to start.
◉ Campaigns financed by smaller donors, creates a much stronger pipeline to those in power.
◉ None of these ideas can work, if we don't do our part in holding powerful people accountable.