Episode 111: The fabrication of value.

In light of recent events in the stock market, Joe and I explain how current market volatility has more to do with value fabrication more than anything else.




◉ Income inequality eventually comes for the rich.

◉ All of capitalism is predicated on sustaining markets which can afford the goods and services being offered...there is no way around this.

◉ The dangers of a stock market that does not reflect real world economic conditions.

◉ The psychological construction of value.

◉ Executive compensation and perverse incentive structures.

◉ The practice of short selling is not a problem...it's when short sellers manipulate value that it becomes a problem.

◉ Capping executive compensation to a certain percentage beyond the lowest paid employee.

◉ Consequences can help correct risky and corrupt behavior.

◉ Once people discover there are no real gold coins in the treasure chest...chaos ensues.

◉ Layoffs and minimum wage jobs should be an indicator of weakness not strength.

◉ We need to bring back good ol' fashioned SHAME.


Episode 112: Are we all inherently selfish?


Episode 110: Avoiding false idols.