to Ms Barlow's class.png

He who speaks truth, stands behind a long line of liars.

Truth Island

In a world that has become increasingly polarized and ideologically deadlocked, Truth Island attempts to negotiate the dangerous middle ground between the 'left' and 'right' in a search to find truth and meaning. It is the belief of this podcast that no one person or theory has the monopoly on truth but through intense discussion we can aim towards a level of human understanding that will satisfy the complexity that surrounds our decision making.

I am joined with Daniel as he talks about his spiritual journey attending Catholic school, getting confirmed, and how he lost and then rediscovered his spirituality in the form of eastern philosophy. I then share my own personal story of growing up Reformed Jewish, attending Hebrew school, and rekindling with my own spirituality.

Some of the topics we explore are open minded religious instructions versus strict interpretation, existential religious moments, social pressure to conform, and what happens when two religions contradict one another.

The world is not ruled by those who sit on top of mountains but rather those who see the stars as their apex

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